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As the threat to the rhinoceros increases across Africa, the spotlight is turned onto South Africa, which has more than seventy percent of all the rhinos remaining on the continent.

We must not underestimate the danger facing rhinos in South Africa, which includes those on reserves and ranches belonging to the private sector. There is an important need to be well-acquainted with prevailing conditions, and to establish good communication and cooperation between the private landowners owning rhino and the relevant authorities and communities surrounding protected areas.

Rhinos are a priceless asset, and the purpose of AROA is to bring together owners of both species in a effort to maintain their survival chances in countries where the private landowner has either invested in both species of rhinoceros or are the custodians of these animals.

The African Rhino Owners Association seeks:

Read the latest AROA newsletter - Rhino Watch

Contact the AROA office for more information:
African Rhino Owners Association
PO Box 381
2008 South Africa

Tel: (+27) ( 11) 453-9829
Fax: (+27) ( 11) 453-7649

If you are not directly involved in rhino management, but would like to support rhino conservation in Africa, then contact the Rhino and Elephant Foundation at the same address.

They, and the rhinos of Africa, need your support!

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